CAG Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

CAG Special Interest Groups (SIGs) exist to support professional development and deepening of networks in focused areas of gastroenterology practice and research. A SIG’s primary purpose is to act in the best interests of the Association, including being integral to the pursuit of the Association’s mission and objectives.

The role of a SIG is for the promotion and encouragement of the study, research and advancement of the science and practice of gastroenterology in Canada and fostering discussion, cooperation and debate among members of the Association.

SIGs are to support members in pursuit of special interests within the Association, to aid in forming and maintaining liaison among those with special interest, and to provide advice to the Association, as needed, on issues related to the SIG’s area of interest. A SIG will have no formal reporting structure to the CAG.

Please review the SIG Terms of Reference before you submit an application.

SIG Terms of Reference

Special Interest Group (SIG) Request Form


Ensure that all documents are submitted in PDF format and contain no special characters in the file name, including punctuation.

NOTE: This online form must be completed in one single session. This form cannot save your information to return to at a later time.

SIG Lead Information

Please enter first name
Please enter last name
Please enter street address
Please enter city
Please select a province
Please enter postal code
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter phone number

Note: Files must be in .PDF format.

Please upload a .PDF file with no special characters in file name

SIG Proposal

In 1-2 pages, provide an overview, rationale/justification and year one plan.

Note: Files must be in .PDF format.

Please enter SIG name
Please upload a .PDF file with no special characters in file name

SIG Participant List

List the 10 participants, including the following:

1) Full Name

2) Institution

3) Email Address

4) CAG Member (Regular, Trainee or Affiliate)

Note: Files must be in .PDF format.

Please upload a .PDF file with no special characters in file name

Electronic Signature

In submitting this application and upon approval, I agree to the CAG Special Interest Group Terms of Reference.


Please enter your full name

Please ensure that all required fields are filled out correctly.

Upon successful submission, you will be redirected to a confirmation webpage and will receive an email from us. If this does not occur, please contact the CAG National Office.

NOTE: Do not close your browser or use the back button until redirected to the "Thank You" screen, confirming successful submission. Uploading large files may take a minute or so.

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