The Canadian Digestive Health Foundation is CAG’s Foundation
Together, the CDHF and CAG, are providing:
- Patients with trusted educational information
- Clinicians with tools to communicate with their patients
- Researchers with funding
Helping you help your patients
CDHF develops respected, comprehensive education resources that are perfect for patients. Our animations, guides, infographics, webseminars and videos are all developed for patients but with the healthcare professional as the primary vehicle for communication in mind. Always accessible for review or download on, our vast compendium of resources include:
Digestive Condition Information - Trust your foundation to summarize the information you provide during clinic appointments on digestive conditions in attractive, instructive guides that can be printed for hand-outs in clinic or prescribed as downloads from home.
Health & Lifestyle Information – Hot topics such as pre and probiotics, fibre, FODMAPs, medical cannabis and more.
CDHF App - CDHF’s app is a smart and simple digital tracker to help your patients manage and record trends in their digestive health to share with you.
No more messy journals, trying to remember alarm symptoms you may have had or the different medications they are on. With CDHF’s digestive health tracker your patients can keep all of their health insights in their back pocket at all times.